The Upper Peninsula Film Union is the nonprofit organization that owns and operates the Hwy 2 Community Drive-In Theater. The Film Union was incorporated in October 2018, but the founding members have been working to bring special drive-in events to the people of the Upper Peninsula since July 2016. For more information click HERE.
how much does it cost to watch a movie at the hwy2 drive-in?
One of the many things that sets the Hwy 2 Community Drive-In Theater apart from others is the fact that all drive-in events are completely free. Attendees are welcome to make donations, but this is not required or expected. The U.P. Film Union hopes the Hwy 2 Community Drive-In Theater can be a place for all to come and enjoy regardless of financial constraints.
what do i need to do for my nonprofit to run the CONCESSION stand?
To host the concession stand, you will need to meet the following criteria.
You must be a documented non-profit organization.
You must be able to provide your own volunteers to run the concession stand.
You must agree to clean up after yourselves and provide at least two volunteers to pick up the field following the event.
If you meet all of the above requirements, fill out the Concession Operator Questionnaire HERE!
What is the U.P. Film Union Film Club?
The U.P. Film Union has been hosting a monthly Film Club since November 2018. The Film Club is similar to a book club but with instant satisfaction. Instead of waiting a month to get together to discuss the film, the discussion will be right after the movie.Have you ever watched a great movie but didn't have someone to discuss it with? Film Club will take care of that problem for you! Come out, watch a variety of films, and discuss the films immediately after watching! For more information click HERE.